Monday, December 29, 2008

I'm an Uncle!

Danielle gave birth today around 11:30 to Crosby Fox Malone (they're family names)

He was just under 6 lbs, and about 35.5 weeks old. Mom and baby are doing well.

Praise God, from Whom all blessings flow;
Praise Him, all creatures here below;
Praise Him above, ye Heavenly Host;
Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Friday, December 19, 2008

Flight of the Conchords Season 2 Premier

Adam will appreciate this I know. Anybody else part of the flock?

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Google Expanded Street View

Is your house on there? Mine isn't. But I did manage to find this little gem:

View Larger Map

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Friday, December 5, 2008

Is There A Doctor In the House?

Aaron, Laura and I have been watching House A LOT. You should start walking with a cane. If you don't watch that show, you don't know what I'm talking about.

Happy Birthday, Upstairs Roomie, from the EdnaBlog.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Laugh it up...

It's Monday, so you all get a picture of Evie laughing (or maybe passing gas).

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Super Tecmo Bowl is real

I've been playing a season of Tecmo Bowl lately with Da Raida's. The programmers of Tecmo Bowl realy knew what they were doing when they made this game. It is so realistic! For example, I just finished the regular season, and look at the Sack leaderboard:
Now that is Brown Bag special! I have heard of ways to update the rosters to get todays players on Tecmo. If I had Haynesworth, the number would probably be 200 or more.

If that wasn't enough, check out the NFL leader in rushing: (as if there was any doubt)Now, I know I'm not the best of Tecmo players and all, but couldn't they have done a little bit better?

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Most Amazing Video I've Ever Seen on Youtube

At the risk of post rampaging, I have to put this up because it is the most awesome thing I've ever seen on youtube. This is why I love the internet.

Forget the EdnaFund

I'm just going to get one of these creepy piggy banks.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Holter Monitor Time Again

I hate wearing these things. The pads that they stick the electrodes to draw blood when you take them off. Aaron, at your next meeting of doctors suggest a weaker adhesive. What they use now is overkill.

Monday, November 10, 2008

I have become more cautious of hard drives (internal and external) for backing up data. That's why I love Humyo. You can get a free account with them, and back up all your media to their servers, and get to it from anywhere with an internet connection. I am in the process of backing up all my movies and music to there, and if you sign up you can access it all too. You can stream it to your computer from Humyo.

Some of the tunes: (UPDATED for everyone on the Internet)

Jimmy Lafave - Never Is A Moment

I also have some Nintendo files uploaded there, so you can play Tecmo Bowl, Punch Out, or Excitebike on your computer to your hearts content. And we would all look much cooler in these:

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Thanks for pointing this video out J-Fo. I've never heard John Piper before this, but I like him. He's so calm, he makes my dad look like he's hopped up on Red Bull.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Fine, I'll post something about last night

Did anyone else notice Obama kind of changed the way he spoke last night to sound more pastor-like? He's no Martin Luther the King. All the "yes we can" stuff seemed a little weird.

Like it or not, he's going to be president for the next 4 years. Hopefully it won't be too bad. We made it through Clinton's term.

Monday, November 3, 2008

The Celebration of Facial Hair

I hope you all have realized that it is November and thus National Beard Month.  Just because we are not all together does not mean that we can't celebrate in unison.  I hope to see some nice swaths of facial hair by the end of the month.  I have decided that there is nothing like going home to see the folks with a thick beard at Thanksgiving.
Here is a look at some of us the past few years...
Brawny working a 5 o'clock shadow (really just an excuse to post this pic)
A beard increases your desire for hot chocolate, fires and all things warm

Putting the cool in Rock Band
"Speak softly and carry a big stick and have a sweet beard."
Sorry Landon, Ross and Seth - I don't have any nice beard shots of you guys.  Send me one and I will add it.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Stuff Christians Like

Some of you may have seen this site before, but I just looked at it in detail this morning and its pretty stinking funny.

This post about Upward Basketball reminded me of the greatest three basketball coaches to grace the Upward program in history. Adam and Andrew, what was the really skinny kids name that never scored? Do any of you still have our team picture? I think I tossed it.

I think the strangest part of our team was that Mitchell started hanging out with Mark Lamb EVERY SINGLE DAY. Go figure.

Monday, October 27, 2008

My Favorite Beastie Boys Songs

Mixwit make a mixtapeMixwit mixtapes

Caption contest and predictions

Its Monday Night Football time, and I am SO PUMPED for a Titans win.
I predict a score of 17-10 Titans.

Cortland - "Hey, I scored!"
Creepy guy in gray jersey - "And I'm about to, get over here"
Bald guy - "This red fish will look great stuffed down your pants"

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Here's to Man's Weekend V!!!

Look what I found on Ebay.  These shot glasses would be perfect for some mixed drinks and shots at MWV.  I can't wait!   I also might have to get one of these for my blogging enjoyment.

Here's Evie Jane!

Good thing she looks like her father!

Monday, October 20, 2008

Breaking News!!

We interrupt the Ray Boltz Is Gay post to announce that Hurricane Evie has quickly gained strength and is bearing down on the Gulf Coast.

The levy has broken....I repeat....The levy has broken.

We have evacuated to the hospital.

Update #1: My cell phone is dead. If you want to call, use Laura's cell number (if you have it.) If not, comment here. I love wireless internet.

Update #2: (10:05 a.m.) The doctor just gave Laura some Pitocin to speed the process up. We also just called into the Rick and Bubba show so they could predict what we're having. They said "Boy". We might be in trouble. Or Evie might be really good at softball.

Update #3: (12:44 p.m.) Laura is 3 cm, 80% effaced, and Evie is -1 (whatever that means, Aaron?) Thanks for all the comments and suggestions. Keep 'em coming.

Update #4: (1:20 p.m.) Epidural is on the me that needle!

Update #5: (3:44 p.m.) Waiting for a baby to be born in BORING. Laura is sleeping. They've upped the Pitocin. I'm listening to Pandora Radio. Andy McKee is my hero.

Update #6: (6:31 p.m.) 5 cm dilated. 100% bored.

Update #7: (8:02 p.m.) Well, it looks like we are doing this Julius Caesar style. Be in prayer for Laura and Evie as they enter surgery. Be in prayer for me that I don't pass out.

Update #8: (11:24 p.m.) Welcome Evie Jane! 6 lbs 14 oz-- 19 1/4 inches long. Born @ 8:40 p.m. on 10/20/08 via C-section. Mom and Baby are doing well.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Ray Boltz Tragedy

I went to a concert at church the other night and asked Lewis what time Ray Boltz was playing. He told me that Ray came "out of the closet" recently. What?! I didn't know that. He sings "Thank You" and "Pledge Allegiance to the Lamb"....surely he doesn' know! Sadly it is true. Read and weep.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Some gems from the Best of Youtube podcast

Homemade Olympics

172 ft. High dive

Knight Rider Building

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Big K

Happy Birthday, New Analog. Enjoy your last year in your 20's.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

WOM 5 - Required Reading

I thought it might be prudent for us to read Chuck's new book, what with WOM 5 coming up and the Election in November.  Too bad Huckabee didn't last longer or we might have seen more of Chuck this fall.

Brandon, Sorry I missed your birthday post, Happy Birthday.

Seth, you fell to Cookeville High.  I hope your boys avenge you one day.

Kevin, I'm using Chrome so that people like you will think better of me.

Justin, I already have my insurance with State Farm.  My father-in-law is an agent.  If there's a falling out, I'll come to you.

Ross, I enjoyed the premiere of the Office.  Each time I see Jim I think of you.

Andrew, how many days left?  Congratulations, again.  The strangest thing about the whole deal will be that you will go into the hospital as two and leave as three.

Aaron, index funds, broadly diversified.

Adam, Thanks for eating with me at Chili's that night.  I passed the CFP exam!

I'm all for mixing things up with a format change.  Maybe we could create individual profiles for each of us, or just use the old profiles from the headhunters site.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Paging Coach Nunley

Just seeing if your young men have made any progress.  I was thinking that junior high games are on Thursdays.  
From The Men of Edna

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Big B's B-Day...

Brandon, I know you won't see this, but happy birthday from the EdnaBlog.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008


Who is your favorite wrestler managed by "The Mouth of the South" Jimmy Hart?

A few facts about Jimmy:
-Born in Memphis, TN
-His billed eight is the same as his ACTUAL height. I think that's the first time thats ever happened in wrestling.
-He wrote the entrance music for HBK, Hulk Hogan, Jimmy "Superfly" Snuka

For me, Bret Hart gets the vote. You just can't get better than the Excellence of Execution.

on another note, I should have thought of this:

Monday, September 15, 2008

How LOTR should have ended...

There's a bunch of these on YouTube. The one on Beowulf is pretty good if you've seen the movie.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008



Since none of you have called or written to see how the Hawkins football season was going, I thought I would let you know.  Really this is a request for ideas or just to bring back some of the Headhunter magic.  Hawkins in it's first 3 games has lost by a combined score of 96-0.  

Knox Doss 22-0
Rucker Stewart 36-0
Shafer 38-0

We did play better this week despite the score.  The other team this week was up 30-0 in the 4th quarter and called a fake punt with their starters in and our second team in, which includes a kid that comes up to my belly button and weighs 70 lbs.  It is hard as a coach when at the end of a game you hear a mom yell "I can coach better than these coaches."  

I am in need of some motivational quotes and ideas to get the player pumped up.  At the bottom of the post I have left you with 2 pictures for motivation.  One the runner - up State Championship trophy from my senior year (yes, I did have 13 tackles) and two a picture of our glory days as the Headhunters.  Thank you for your help.

UNtil THen,

Monday, September 8, 2008

Google Chrome

Are any of you using Google's Chrome browser? I thought it may not be that great, but I'm really impressed with it. It is fast, simple, and it isn't as much of a beast for your computer to run like Firefox and IE have become.

My only problem so far has been that it tends to hang when streaming video. Other than for that, it is my new weapon of choice for surfing.

You can try it here.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Fire & Brimstone Tunes

This is my favorite "hell" song.  I really love the creepy bubbles.

Viva le bleaug

Tenth Circle Added To Rapidly Growing Hell

Andrew, should we send this to Ms. Clark?

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

State of the Blog

Fellow Ednabloggers:

What has become of this blog? I know that it times past that interest on the blog has ebbed and flowed. Babies have been born, jobs have changed, and many other things can take away our time spent here on the blog.

Gentlemen, for shame! We have been cheating on this blog with, dare I say it, blogs of another kind. We have forsaken the original in the name of our own independent sites. Are all the other spin-off blogs becoming more important in our lives? May it never be! Let us not forget our first love!

Viva la Edna Blog!

P.S. Check out the new post on mine and Justin's blog.

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Friday, August 22, 2008

The Real Dream Tream

So many memories and great wins...

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Dyer's Burgers

Andrew, Some other Memphians told me to go to Dyer's Burgers when I go to Memphis. Have you heard that that is a good place, or am I being lied to? It doesn't look healthy, but it looks good. I found a video here:

Friday, August 8, 2008


So I have been playing flag football in the Nashville Sports League. Last week we were out throwing the ball around before the game when the other team walks onto the field about 15 minutes to game time. "Who takes flag football so serious?" I asked myself when the team with their matching jerseys started to pull out their own personal flags. My laughter soon turned to fear when I noticed the words "MEAN MACHINE" were written on the flags. Sure enough I looked up and it was the same guys who beat teh S#*@ out of us 5 years ago.

After a few minutes of sucking my thumb on the bleachers I looked at my crooked finger and thought, "these guys are ancient, this is my chance for revenge." Well, the game started with the quarterback throwing out numbers just like old times and in three plays they had taken the ball down the field for a touchdown. Our only decent play was when I was rushing and the quarterback rolled behind the running back whose hands were behind his back (I was all over that since they took it from the Headhunter playbook).

Well, vengeance didn't happen this time but I figure when I am 43 (the age of their quarterback) those guys will be pushing 60 and they don't have a chance.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008


the invite to join fantasy football. It was an accident. Carry on below.

Monday, August 4, 2008

C-c-c-combo Breaker!

If you were to ask me the first celebrity that pops into my head when I look at you guys, I would have to say that this is it.

Ross - Jay Farrar (guy from Sunvolt)

B - Michael Knight (not David Hasselhoff...Michael Knight-Ridin Knight)

Justin - Patrick Warburton

Dr. Gray - Jack Shepherd

Landon (old with braids) - Willie Nelson

Adam - Steven Wright (my favorite comedian)

Andrew - John Rhys-Davies (not always, but definitely this picture)

Seth - Matisyahu
This was a tough one. Justin helped me out with it. Seth, there just isn't anyone else like you I don't think, so we had to make up something. Think about it, you'll get it.

Me - Kimbo
I'm bald, scruffy, and black. I think it works.


Mike - Daniel Plainview

Your thoughts are welcomed, your criticisms dismissed.

Thursday, July 24, 2008


With Landon having a baby and me finally getting internet at our new house, I have postponed the recognition of Justin's birthday. He turned 27 years old earlier this week. That being said, my birthday present to him is opening up the blog to everything we love about Justin Lipscomb:

1. He has a dog with almost as much girth as he has
2. He drinks Miller High Life (incidentally took a sixer of that to a party recently, got made fun of)
3. Allowed me to start a radio show with him in college on WTTU
4. His father's name is Jasper
5. His biceps are bigger than the Rocks of Gibraltar

Everyone else join in. Happy Birthday, Big Cat.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

It's a Girl!

Landon asked Justin and he asked me (Katie, because he is working) to make a brief post just to let you all know that...Eva Grace Vick was born this morning. She was 5lbs. 13 oz. and 17.5 inches long. More details to come later!

Monday, July 21, 2008

Analysis of Google Analytics

About a year ago I set up Google Analytics to track all sorts of info on our blog. It looks at how people get to the blog, what town or country they live in and all sorts of other info. I now present to you some random findings from that info.

The Google search "magnolia tree david lee roth" has sent 225 visits to the blog. "ednahouse budget" sent 58. My favorite though is the the 3rd highest referred search. "Jennifer Foley watsons" has bounced 53 visitors our way and 98% of those were new visitors. Over the last month 14 people have come to the site after searching "andrew stacey memphis"has climbed to number #1. You students must be obsessed with you or the FBI is doing lots of internet background checks...

We have had 11,016 visitors from 48 countries in the past year. Including visitors from Iran, Ghana, Indonesia and 49 from the UK (thanks Ross and Andrew)

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Deleted "Show and Tell" Scene From Step Brothers

A video because that is what I do.
See more Will Ferrell videos at Funny or Die

Monday, July 14, 2008

The Blog Is Dead

So I will now ramble....

Today is moving day. In Memphis. In July. I've already sweat 2 quarts of perspiration.

Spent about 2 hours this weekend going back and reading all the posts/comments here on the Ednablog. It was time well spent.

Laura is 6 months along now. Every time she feels the baby move, I rush over to feel her kicking or punching. Nothing. This kid is already lying to me.

Bought a new TV over the weekend. Sony 46 inch LCD HDTV.

And now a personal message for everyone (vintage Ednablog move):

Aaron- Laura had a placental previa, but it went away so I won't be needing any medical advice.

Adam-See you in a few weeks. I'm a mess without you. I miss your scent.

Brandon- Congrats on your participation in the blog, however you are still not eligible for the Duke until you get your comment/post count way up.

Justin- How's the job hunt? Landscaping? Manscaping?

Landon- Father of 3 yet? Keep us posted.

Kevin-See you in a few weeks too. I have many jobs lined up for you: wireless internet, surround sound (the house is already wired).

Seth- Do your boys have armpit hair yet?

Ross- I'm ashamed this morning over our double forfeit last night.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Surviving the Game

How have we not talked about the greatness of Gary Busey?!?

I saw this today while watching Surviving the Game. The sound effects alone are worth the price of admission. Ice T asks Busey how he got that scar under his eye. His response is this:

Busey also states: "I'm going bare hands!" while fighting Ice T later in the movie, which is in the video "ICE-T vs THEM SICK MOTHER(LOVERS)" On this Sunday, let us thank the Lord for Gary Busey.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008


I don't know if any of you have heard about this, but there is a sub-culture of drivers called hypermilers who are going to lengths to get the best gas mileage out of there cars. I am thinking of trying to see how much I can get out of the old Jeep. She now has 211,000+ miles. I recently got my oil changed since it was a thousand miles or more over 3,000 miles since my last change. When I got my receipt I was kind of shocked when I realized how long it had been. I had gone 51 weeks since my last oil change and only driven 4,800 miles in my car since then. It helps when the hospital is only 1.5 miles from my house.

The Technical How-To by the "founder" of hypermiling, Wayne Gerdes.
I bet Hoss could have gotten 8 mpg with these techniques.
I am going to pump up my tires and change my driving habits and see what kind of difference I can get...I will get back to you on the results. Just imagine how much $$$ you could save if you could have a 10% increase in miles per gallon. That would be a lot to contribute to buying Edna back.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

The Mighty One

Following on the footsteps of the last post. Check this out if you haven't thought of Charles lately.

Friday, June 27, 2008

Nunley Happenings

Men,  I haven't posted in a while either.  While I have not quit my job yet I have some job news as well.  First I will start with a trip to the Bahamas.  It was awesome and we stayed on a 62 foot catamaran and it had a 88 foot sail (see picture at bottom).   Snorkeling I saw a nurse or sand shark.  Once we returned I saw the picture at the bottom and weighed 239.6 LB (I am fat).  So Andrew, I decided to start the REVOLUTION once again.  No cokes and a lot of exercise.  Then when I got back I also found out that my transfer didn't go through to teach at Hawkins.  Benny Bills rejected it himself.  Also the principal at HHS is now at Hawkins.  There is a chance that things still could work out but if they don't I will be looking for another job or a seminary to attend.  Any ideas?   



Thursday, June 26, 2008

5 Year Plan Begins...Now

You guys remember me talking about that at WOM4. Phase 1 was scheduled for June and I'm happy to say...the truck is sold. Phase 2, get something else (paid for) and then get rid of the car. I know I'm learning this lesson a lot later than most of you guys, but I generally take a long time to learn stuff like that. Yep, it's time for old Kev to give up car notes and start actually saving some of the money he's been working for. I had a good run though. There was the Jetta (I really miss that one), then the Civic, and then the Frontier. Next up, something probably about like this:

And since I almost always only post random video clips, here is a little creepy Rammstein one for you...

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Neck tans and Ticks

Ok, its time. The post is here.
I have a new job, and have had one for the past 3 weeks, and I enjoy it.

I'm working for Wynnecrest Landscaping, in the Mowing division. Basically, I do weed-eating and blowing (grass) a majority of the time, but I have run some of the mowers. We mow in Laurelbrooke (home to Mike Reinfeldt, General Manager to the Titans and a lot of other rich people) Carronbridge and the Enclave, all of which are Southern Land Company developments.

Some of these houses are SICKENING. There's one that is currently in the the middle of a $9 million ADDITION. I've been meaning to get some pictures but haven't yet. I will say that we cut Troy Gentry's grass, and he is a nice guy. I have encountered lots of ticks, but no Lyme disease or Rocky Mountain spotted fever (although if I had to go out, I'd pick RMSF. It would look good on a headstone) And I have never had this tan of a neck before. Check it out:

One fun thing about the job is that my mind wanders all day long. On Monday, I started singing:
"We're the members of the All-American league, We come from cities near and far, We've got Canadians, Irish ones and Swedes, We're all for one, we're one for all, we're all Americans!"
Yes, I was singing the women's theme song from A League of Their Own.

Sorry for the underwear, parental discretion is advised.

As far as the departure from Dell, I'll say it was long overdue. Much like Michael Keaton in "Mr. Mom" I felt really good about being unemployed. I have had a few interviews, but nothing has come of those yet. Andrew, send me the contact for the FBI. I mean, I could be Jack Bauer. I just took a personality test on and here's some of the recommended careers:
Flight attendant
Performing artist

Apparently this test thinks I'm a genius or a woman. Go figure.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Rest In Peace, Ben

I know it's wrong to speak of the dead in this manner, but this was in our church bulletin last week. I thought it should be shared here.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Anybody seen this movie?

Carmen showed me it on youtube. It's got Jermaine from Conchords in it. It's called Eagle vs. Shark.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

It's a girl...

Laura and I found out today that we are having a girl.

Landon and Seth, we can go ahead and line up a marriage with one of your 13 boys. A cage match will determine the winner.

Kevin (circa 2000)

Found this pic of Kevin in some of my old files. He looks like a little guy.

Monday, June 9, 2008