Thursday, November 13, 2008

Holter Monitor Time Again

I hate wearing these things. The pads that they stick the electrodes to draw blood when you take them off. Aaron, at your next meeting of doctors suggest a weaker adhesive. What they use now is overkill.


JDL said...

i'm glad they labeled they heart.

my verification word is bacati

Andrew said...

Kevin, are you dying?

Can I have your computer? And your John Deere?

My word is natist.

JDL said...

"You're not dying, you just can't think of anything better to do"

Any takers?

Kevin said...

I'm not dying, but they are possibly switching my medicine from an SSRI to an SSNRI. I believe Dr. Gray knows what I'm sayin'. And you don't want my computer. It is old. You do want my John Deere though. It only has like 6 hours on it and would be perfect for your back yard.

Kevin said...

Justin, Carmen said those quotes were almost double what we're paying for house and car. Can you half that?

JDL said...

how is that possible?

Aaron said...

so they are going to switch you to a Selective Serotonin and Norepinephrine Reuptake Inhibitor? Yeah those sticky things for EKG's and Holter monitors are no joke. You could use them to scale the side of a building if you could attach yourself to them.

Kevin said...

I'm guessing it has to do with my having Allstate for the past 13 years for car insurance. We still have to look at it some more, but we'll call you.

Yes, I am thinking the increased available norepinephrine will help to correct the hypotension problem when I stand up. It may not, but we have to try something or else I'm going to turn this thing into Lorenzo's Oil.

Carmen said...

I did not say "double", but they are higher. Just wanted to clarify!

Kevin said...


Andrew said...

Dang, Kevin, you need to keep your female in check.

JDL said...

Thanks Carmen.

My word is argeopil.

Kevin said...


Andrew said...

"Ferris Bueller's Day Off"

JDL said...

you probably pasted that into google. cheater

word is revive

Andrew said...

You probably pasted "canape" into Google. Who's the cheater now?

The word is dosesupp.

And I fat-fingered it; now the word is redne.

JDL said...

i don't know, but we're both the loser.

Jones said...

Kevin, thanks for the update. I do not know if it is because I have not been to a man's weekend in almost 2 years, but I have no idea what half these comments mean.

Andrew said...

Kevin had a baboon's heart transplant about a year ago.

Now he really likes bananas and throwing poo at people. He liked doing that before the baboon's heart.

JDL said...

The Cow says: "Sha-zoooooo"

word is slyco