Tuesday, January 26, 2010


I have it on good authority that there will be 9 people at WOM this year.

Good day, sirs.


JDL said...


JDL said...

we can finally update the picture to include the Edna 9.

The Nunley said...


Brawny said...

RD in the HOUSE!!

happy b-day andrew

Andrew said...

Who said anything about RD?

When I say 9, I mean Rowdy Roddy Piper is coming to WOM this year.

Kevin said...

I have thought of suggesting "They Live" (starring Rowdy Roddy) for the movie this year.

Andrew happy birthday. You are old. I owe you a fancy scratch off and a powerball ticket. When you are in town, call.

Red said...

Happy Birthday, Andrew. Hope it was a great day, obiously overshadowed by the reemergence of our good friend Ross. His email cam across my BlackBerry in the middle of a meeting. I looked down totally blanked out and the person I was meeting with had to repeat everything they had just said. Birthdays, old friends, WOM, there is much to celebrate.

Brawny said...

I don't think that Rowdy Roddy Piper thing is true but someone better wear a kilt now.

Is there a bagpipe attachment for rockband?

RD said...

I'll wear the kilt. That's the least I could do incase people were hoping the 9th man was in fact the one and only Rowdy Roddy Piper.

Jones said...

This is Awesome, I can not wait!