Friday, February 3, 2012

WOM8: Meal Post, etc...

Dear Men,

Three weeks from this day, the high and holy gathering of men will once again descend upon the Tennessee River. I, for one, am most looking forward to reading Adam's step-grandmother-in-law's letter of rules for this year. Maybe we will be forbidden from using the indoor plumbing. All kidding aside, we need to thank Adam once again for procuring our fine lodging. As I understand it, grandma was close to giving us the axe this year for some unknown offense, but Adam was able to talk some sense into her--Manlympic points will be awarded.

I'll finish this up rapid fire:

1. Bring money for flowers for grandma.

2. Adam and I will be driving down on Thursday night for a pre-WOM warm-up. Last year, Adam, Brandon, and I enjoyed breakfast at Loretta Lynn's Country Kitchen (enjoyed might be too strong a word) on Friday morning, drove around for hours looking for a Wal-Mart, and had a nice relaxing dinner at the the Log Cabin that night. It provided for a nice, relaxing and lubricated entrance to the weekend. Adam and I will be repeating the very same narrative that you just read about again this year and will open up the opportunity to any who might want to experience Loretta Lynn's hot muffins--Hey, now! Who's coming with us?

3. I think the only person I haven't heard from is Ross. I e-mailed him, but have not received a reply. Can you guys follow-up with him? Aaron, you're coming right? I'm going to assume 8 of us, and pray for 9. I looked at last year's meal post and rolled everyone forward a meal, as best I could. Meals will be as follows:
A. Saturday Breakfast--Seth, Brandon and Justin
B. Saturday Dinner--Adam, Andrew, Kevin
C. Sunday Breakfast--Aaron, Ross and Landon

If we have to make adjustments later, we can. In fact, just so we have it on paper--ROLL CALL!


Andrew said...

Andrew is in for both WOM and Pre-WOM festivities.

Kevin said...

Somebody call Ross. I don't have his number, but I know he has a phone.

I will be there. I'm asking (telling) them I need off that Friday so I can be there for muffins.

Andrew said...

I'm texting with Ross right now! It's still up in the air for him, but maybe he can fill us in.

RD said...

I apologize for not responding or getting on the blog.
Like a loving father Andrew has seeked me out, reminding me to get in touch with everyone. I may actually be back in Memphis in 3 weeks permanently (things have not worked out here as planned, but more on that later).
That being said, I actually have a job interview today to get back in the Memphis office. If that works out I could be back there in 3 weeks and at WOM8. I'll keep everyone updated and take advantage of this blog thing we have going.

P.S. Based on my comment history that actually means I'll leave another comment in about 6-7 months from now. Haha.

Jones said...

I plan on attending WOM, but not Pre-WOM festivities. Why is Brandon not on the meal list? Is B not coming?

Jones said...

Also, who wants to meet at my house late Friday afternoon to carpool? Seems like it has worked well the past few years, but we have moved one street over and I need to update the address for everyone interested.

Andrew said...

Good catch, Seth. Congrats on the girl. They are awesome. Way better then boys, I believe.


Ross, you are on Sunday breakfast. I'm operating under the assumption that you WILL be there.

JDL said...

I am delighted beyond words to have a taste of the old blog days.

I will be sad to miss out on "Pre-WOM lubrication" but I just can't talke off that friday. I have another 2 weeks of paternity leave, and that is awesome.

Ross, I am also delighted that life may be bringing you back this way. Who wants to live in a city discovered by the Germans in 1904 whose name means a Whale's Vagina? Definitely not me.

Seth, I will be interested in car pooling. We will need that big trunk of yours to bring back the Duke.

JDL said...

i just added a video of what saturday breakfast will be.

Andrew said...

Can you add Brandon and Ross to their appropriate meal delineations? I don't want no excuses.

The Nunley said...

I am in for all. I also want you all to know that I have brown crap on my nose! I had to convince Nonnie that all will be well at WOM!

Just in case you didn't know I received another letter that said only 6 could stay because of beds and no one can sleep on a couch or downstairs. So that means if 9 show up one must sleep on the floor. So if you have camping gear then please bring it and prepare for that.

I hope to see you all there. And please do not bring any egg McMuffins! They are sick.

Aaron said...

Hells Yeahs I am going to be there. I've had Friday off of work for a long time.

I'm coming with Gentleman Jack in my the passenger seat. Hope you boys like Tennessee Whiskey!
I'm considering flying to Memphis or Nashville. Would anyone be able to pick me up on Friday?

Andrew it's going to be weird doing a meal without you...but I look forward to breakfast on Sunday with Landon.

JDL said...

what time are you flying in on Friday? I will be working until 6 that night.

Seth, if that is too late, I understand.

Adam, Is there any insight as to why the downstairs is off limits now? I know we've never used it, and i slept on a couch last year. How does Nonnie know? is there a hidden camera in the bowl of walnuts?

Aaron said...

what town is the cabin in or what is close to it?

does anyone have the address to the cabin?

Andrew said...

I don't think they have "addresses" out there. I think it's in Waverly, TN. It's closer to Nashville than Memphis, and I don't think anyone could get you in Memphis, unless the thing with Ross comes through.

Aaron said...

forget Noonie...

It is time to return to Old #8

I'm in...who's with me

Aaron said...

Have we exceeded our bandwidth for the blog?

That or else my last comment sure shut down this comment thread.

JDL said...

Bandwidth increased

Jennifer Jones said...

Yikes, I am seriously going to ned to increase the frequency at which I check the blog. Here is my response to the many threads developing:

I have a full size air mattress that I can bring.

Aaron, I can pick you up in Nashville and you can ride in our caravan down. It is usually me, Justin, Landon, Kevin, and whoever else works on Friday. However, we usually do not get there until 7:30 or 8:00 because some don't get off work until 6.

Justin, 6:00 is no problem. I will be working a full day as well. See you around 6:30 at my place. I will email out the new address.

Can we stop calling the early goers the "lubricated ones"? I just get this image of Ray Boltz's daughter reading it and saying "I knew it, those hypocrites!"

Jennifer Jones said...

The previous comment is Seth, Did not realize my wife was signed into Google.

Kevin said...

Nice try Jennifer.

Kevin said...

Pink meat disk.

JDL said...

I am bringing either camping stuff or an air mattress.

Looking forward to next year when we can only sleep in a dog pile in the carpeted bathroom.

Nunley, all kidding aside, thank you for your work on this every year. I don't know what more we need to do to keep ourselves in Nonnie's good graces but I am up for it. The guns/golf possibilities of the Manlympics add a lot of variety to the weekend.

Kevin said...

Who wants to pick up my food and stuff and carry it for me so I can ride my motorcycle?

Aaron said...

Ross what is the verdict? Are you coming or chillin on the beach?

JDL said...

If I may speak for Ross, we swapped a few texts last night. He said its looking like a no for the weekend but may still be in line to move back to the good side of the Mississippi river.

Kevin, if you want to give your stuff to Carmen, Seth and I can add it to our stuff. Not sure how you'll get it home on Sunday short of wearing all your clothes at once. In fact, just do that on Friday. Much easier for all of us.

Andrew said...

Kevin, Adam and I will get the food. You can reimburse us.

RD said...

Unfortunately life will not be bringing me to WOM this year. The plans for Memphis are not panning out as fast as I hoped. I'm going to miss seeing all you and catching up on your lives. I miss your faces and hope this year is great for all you. Please forgive my lack of communication to the group.

Could you please text me your address? I believe I need to get a plaster brain to the group for the winner of the smarts portion of the Hunt if that is still part of the Duke!