Thursday, February 4, 2010

Shaming and Rides

EDIT: I put up a poll for the shirts -->

Men, I have given up on the previous post's questions being answered. Adam, don't worry about emailing me, you have failed. I hope you deduct points from yourself for jeopardizing our t-shirt for this year. So, help me if I have to bedazzle a 10-pack of Hanes Beefy T's, we will have a shirt.

RIDES: Use this post's comments to figure them out.

When you've done that, go here and get inspired for WOMVI.


Kevin said...

Aaron, are you bringing Settlers of Catan? Please do.

What shirt sizes does everyone want, and how much were the shirts last year?

Brawny said...

A medium shirt will work for me.

Thanks for bringing our attention to the bad ass site. I am now trying to figure out how I can make the list.

JDL said...

I am a big fan of the gray shirts from 2 years ago, mainly because of the quality of the material. Not sure what they are but I van look it up when I get home. Try to fo with those again.

The Nunley said...

XL and around 12 last year i think

Kevin said...

Still need three people's shirt sizes in the poll. I plan on going over to Southern Promotions tomorrow or Tuesday, so...get to it.

Justin, did you find out what those shirts were? I cut the tag off of mine, so I don't know.

Andrew said...

Brand: Jerzees
Heavyweight Blend
53% Polyester
47% Cotton
100% Awesome

Kevin said...

I wonder who hasn't voted. Probably Ross, Aaron, and Landon.

Aaron said...

Biiiiiiiiiiiiitch, please :) This man has cast his ballot

JDL said...

Kev, your upstairs roommate has broken ties and openly insulted your manhood. Rebuttal?

Red said...

I just voted, I'm the one medium. Let me also say that, Adam, I trust you with the games, but I recommened, albeit a little late, that there be points for men that have fathered children. I don't know the specifics 1,000 to 10,000 per child, with a heavier weighting on sons? Just a thought. I also wear a suit to work everyday, I think that should get points, since I'm not allowed to grow facial hair in my current position.

What's the meal duty division?

JDL said...

If Katie would allow, I have the perfect job for growing a stache. At Towne Park, that's the only facial hair they allow. No, Nunley did not start this company.

Aaron said...

Screw Towne Park. Start your own valet service -> Stache Valet "We'll stache your car away" The catch is that a mustache is strongly encouraged to work for you. It'd be a nice publicity ploy.

Jones said...

I am with Landon on Fathering children, I think if the government awards you 1,000 bucks for every kid at tax time that we can at least give that many points. I also agree with extra points for sons.

Kevin said...

Can anyone else curl there mustache? I can a little.

Aaron, I'm sorry I accused you wrongly. Please don't let it stop you from bringing Settlers and any expansion packs you may have purchased.

JDL said...

As far as rides go, I will most likely have to work Friday. So I will be around for you Landon and Seth. I won't have the Pilot, so can either of you drive?

I don't have a preference on meals.

Kevin said...

I'll be around Friday early evening, but I don't have a car. I'll rent one if I have to. I get off work at 5.

Jones said...

I can drive if you need me to. You guys decide if you want to ride in a honda CRV or a Toyota Avalon.

Aaron, I emailed you a questions, let me know what you think.

Andrew said...

The fact that you guys will not take off work for this, the most important day of the year, is shameful and should result in loss of many Manlympic points. Where is the sacrifice? Where is the commitment? When God invented personal days, weekends like WOMVI were what He had in mind. For shame, gentlemen!

Kevin said...

Yeah, I'm busy.

Kevin said...

I can't order shirts if I don't know all of the sizes. I don't want to get stuck with any. If we don't get them ordered in time, I will get them after and mail them.

RD said...

I voted last week as well. I need new shirts so I have a vested interest in getting a WOM shirt this year.

JDL said...

I wish I had a cushy job that allowed me to have "vacation" and "personal days".

The Nunley said...

Look I will be there Thursday night if anyone wants to come. Friday Morning we will eat Krispy Kreme! I think you have all the sizes Kevin and if not then guess. Ross I have a shirt for you from last year! Just a little gift for you!

Kevin said...

I want to know who hasn't voted.

About working on Friday, I can't just "get a sub".

JDL said...

kev, did you vote?

first year of a fist fight at man's weekend. i'm calling it.

Andrew said...

Kevin, maybe it's time you teach someone else to press ctrl-alt-delete, because, as an IT guy, that's all I imagine your job entails.

Adam, I will leave at dawn on Friday to be there for Krispy Kreme.

Justin, I'm 31 years old now. It ain't nothing for me to punch a man in the face at my age.

Andrew said...

Kevin, if you're going with John L Sullivan (which I like), I vote he goes on the back and WOMVI on the front, keeping with the style of the other two WOM shirts.

I like consistency.

The Nunley said...

Tru dat Andrew! I want the shirt to have a pocket for the tabaco from my pipe.

I think we need to decide on FOOD!

Jones said...

Lets see ... Extra man points for skipping work to eat donuts and drink beer or for working diligently with ones hands to feed your family (and impact the lives of today's youth). I am not sure on this one, let me check in the bible for advice (only since Andrew brought God into it)

Kevin said...

Yes, i voted, but for some reason it just let me vote again, where previously it said "change your vote". All I know is that I see 9 and that is what I wanted whether mine is in there twice or not. I'll call the guy tomorrow.

Are we OK with pocket t's then? They may be an extra dollar or two...but...oh man...pocket.

Andrew, I don't work the help desk. I write code all day. It hurts daddy when you talk like that.

I'll send an email with a design to get some feedback. I may or may not care though. Votes are hard to come by, so if just one person says, "yes", it will be done.

Aaron said...

I vote for No pocket. I've never owned a t-shirt with a pocket and don't want to start now.

Red said...

I like it Kev, the back is a little busy, and I hate pockets. If you do pockets, I'll probably rip mine off and write WOMVI with a sharpie.

Aaron said...

My token of Manliness arrived in the mail today and I'm pretty sure the recipient will be pleased. I think we should dirty Santa (or dirty Duke) with them.

Kev- I'll be bringing Settlers of Catan but unfortunately I don't have any expansion packs.

Andrew said...

Wait, we're doing a gift exchange?

That was never voted on, was it?

Aaron said...

I liked things better when it was a dictatorship. All this voting takes forever. What is this - The Peoples Republic of Edna?

Andrew said...

Kevin, I LOVE the shirt and if you change one thing about it, I will never, ever buy you another lottery ticket. It encapsulates everything that is WOM: Meat, beards, horseshoes, guns, fire, smoking

Kevin, if you can deliver on that shirt, you have my vote for automatic winner of the Duke.

Andrew said...

What color, Kev?

Kevin said...

i was just going to get white

JDL said...

I like the shirt. I would vote no on the pocket.

Andrew said...

White is so last year.

What about gray again? Or John Deere Green?

RD said...

Kev, the shirt looks awesome!

Kevin said...

Thanks. And I've got to pick white or I would have done something different for the design.

The Nunley said...

Gift exchange is happening! I still vote yes on pocket and I would like a tan shirt! HA You can make the gift or buy it! I will give a complete list of the games this weekend.

Kevin said...

I already told Bobby white. He said they are 11.50. That was the only way to get them in time for WOMVI.

JDL said...

I vote we move forward to food planning, and travel arrangements. Adam, do you also have a post regarding games?

Andrew said...

Aaron and I thought it would be good to do a rotation volleyball-style, everyone move forward 1 meal. Aaron, Ross, and I had dinner last year so we move forward to Sunday breakfast.

Whoever has Saturday dinner, keep the awesomeness that was meat-a-palooza last year and take it up a notch.

Kevin said...

I can't tell you what happened yesterday, much less last year. Whoever had meal-duty with me last year please step forward.

Also, I have a car leaving Hendersonville-ish at around 5.