Recognize the tie in this picture? It was compliments of Aaron's wedding. I really like it. I often get comments on it at work, probably because its green which is the color of money, and money is what I talk about all day, money and sweet new ways the leverage the power of Microsoft Excel.
Anyway, the primary reason for this post is to address the lack of activity on the EDNAFUND. Okay, so I was supposed to send around the paperwork for everyone to sign and then we would get things moving. We'll I gathered most of that stuff, along with a partnership agreement, but I honestly have been swamped with life. My lack of time and reality that half of our men's club has either quit their jobs or is looking for work, makes me think that now may not be the best time to get this thing rolling. Additionally, I've come to find out that since I'm a financial advisor, I really shouldn't have anything to do with the formation of an investment club. With Obama's overhaul of the financial services regulatory environment, I'd probably be fined for typing the words "investment club." So cuse me, argue your point, whatever, but I've shelved the investment club for a while. Hope everyone is well and thanks again for getting married, Aaron, and passing along this tie.
C'mon we're never gonna get to buy Edna's.
I agree with Landon Douglas. I was going to make a post and ask where we were with this and say if we don't move, I'm going to do my own thing. So...good. I know what I must do. And it involves marching right over to Google and making them an offer to buy them out. Brawny, I take it you're in. Landon, I need to borrow that tie.
I think this a good idea, since I am one of the ones job hunting.
I'll also be looking for a job soon. I told my boss I was out last week. The house sold and with nothing keeping me in Memphis I'm moving to D.C. I know some folks out there and that's as good a place as any to start over.
If you need me starting in July I'll probably be picketing some company or joining in a rally. I hear they have a lot of that in area.
Move to Madison, Ross Dennehy! It is the perfect place to live...if you can stand a little snow...and me trying to do things to you all the time. Which, lets face it, you can handle that.
Hope everyone is well
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