Wednesday, January 9, 2008


You know how I know it's decision time? Because it's Wednesday. See what I did there?

President's Day Weekend--Aaron can't go

Feb 29-Mar 2--Seth can't go (unless he tells Jennifer to suck it up and read the previous post by Ross concerning God's decretive will and His desire for all to be at Man's Weekend

What's it gonna be?


Jones said...

Aaron needs to be there. He shortened his life span by at least 5 years from breathing the mold in the edna bathroom every day for 3 years. I only shrtened my life span by about 3 weeks from my time there, so I should be able to make up this man's weekend when I out live him. Except, by that logic I will be the only one left. I only have one request, Kevin, bring a laptop with a verizon broadband card and update the blog every half hour with pictures and updates. I will complete the events on my own here in Cleveland and report my scores on the blog.

Andrew said...

Damn it, Seth, I'm not giving up on you. Listen, I google-mapped the situation. If you'll remember Adam's grandfather's cabin is closer than the old place we went to.

According to Google maps, from Cleveland, Tn to Exit 137 is only 237 miles. If you average 70-75 mph, that's only like a 3 hour drive.

Here's what you do: On that Friday ask Jennifer if she's feeling labor-ish. If she says, "No," you're golden. Say she goes into labor (highly unlikely due to the soverignty of God previously discussed by Ross) during the weekend, well, just tell her to hold it and you'll be there in 3 short hours.

Andrew said...

However, if Seth still says no to this...

Adam, can you call grandpa concerning the new date: Feb 29-Mar 2.

If that's a no-go then this whole discussion is moot (or mute).

The Nunley said...

I can call. I think Seth you can have her eat lots of Mexican food and make love a lot, so that the baby comes before. So you will be Golden.

UNtil THen,

Kevin said...

Except for he'll be leaving his wife with a toddler and a newborn for the weekend. I can guarantee there will be tension in the home when he returns.

Andrew said...

Unless he has trained her properly.

JDL said...

Let's get a resolution, shall we?

Andrew said...

I believe we are waiting on Adam to get word from his grandfather if the cabin is open that weekend.

Should we text his azz again?

JDL said...

I will let you do the texting. When I tried it, the response was angry.

The Nunley said...

I want to suggest something. We could have a couples retreat the President's day and then Man's weekend at the second date. My grandfather should reply soon about the other date. What do you guys think? Please let me know so I can keep both dates reserved.

UNtil THen,

JDL said...

Dwight Schrute: That's a terrible idea.

Jim Halpert: What is?

Dwight Schrute: Them, in there all together. If they stay in there too long, they're gonna get on the same cycle. Wreak havoc on our plumbing.

Your Grandfather's plumbing aside, I think this would be a good idea. Are dogs allowed?

Andrew said...

Things to consider regarding a Couples Weekend:
1. Dogs
2. Children
3. Would a couples' weekend turn into just another Man's Weekend, in that the girls would just hang out and talk and us men would play video games and throw things around outside. And then 2 weeks later we would do the same thing. The only difference between a couples weekend and a man's weekend is that you get to have sex at the end of the day (which could become an event for the Manlympics--Adam gets the gold)
4. I am not opposed at all to any of the things mentioned above...just wanted to throw out things to consider
5. If we are seriously considering this, we would need to bring our wives in on this.
6. What if we waited and did a couples/dog/children weekend in the fall? Instead of driving to the cabin one weekend and then turning around and driving their again 2 weeks later. Gas/Food for both weekends, etc.... This way Man's Weekend would remain as a "reunion" type of thing, as opposed to a "hey, I just saw you last week" thing...
7. Again, these are just things to consider.


Red said...

Negative, not in favor of the couples retreat. Unless someone can convince me otherwise, I'm open to persuasion.

Kevin said...

This is madness!

Andrew said...


JDL said...

I don't recall enough sleeping quarters for the men, let alone our wives/dogs/children. Will we be camping?

The Nunley said...

We can do it at another time. Dogs and kids are welcome. I think it would be fun. Even if only those who can come, do so and it is nothing official. Let me know by tonight.

UNtil THen,

Andrew said...

JD, there's like 5 bedrooms on the lower level.

Andrew said...

Adam, can you clarify your last post? I'm not clear on when/what you are referring to.

RD said...

Count the Denneys out for a couples weekend.

JDL said...

The Lipscomb's would be in.

Andrew said...

Wait, are we talking about in/out for a couples weekend EVER, or just on President's Day weekend?

The Nunley said...

just this president's day. We can step up a couples weekend at a different time as well.

JDL said...

Now I'm confused too.

This Presidents Day, are we talking about a Couples retreat or Man's Weekend?

Why isn't Ross in?

Will Lost be good this season?

RD said...

Let's move the "Couples Weekend" to the back burner right now and focus on Man's Weekend.

Someone tell JD I am out for a couples weekend because the other half of my couple probably can't get away for a weekend in the next couple of months.

I'm guessing LOST this season will be a lot like a first date. A lot of potential, a little tease towards the end, but a cold shower at the end of the night.

Red said...

I love couples, primarily my couple of balls.

Did anyone smile after reading that?

I prefer the idea of a Couples outing of sorts rather than a retreat. I had a lot of fun at Andrew's house that fourth of July. Too bad you moved, Andrew. Let's just get Man's Weekend in the books and try for a couples/family day later in the year.

Andrew said...

Here, here.

JDL said...

I smiled.

Jones said...

Landon and I have felt the awkward sting of a couples sleep over gone bad. Remember that night at the McCurdey's Cabin, Landon? I would like for all the couples to get together though.

Kevin said...

We can do another 4th of Julyish type thing at our house for the couples. We're supposed to close on the new house on the 28th. It's pretty much finished. Adam will have to bring bocce balls. I'll try and have the grass ready.

Andrew said...

Ok, there it is:

July 4th-ish: Couples, Children, Dogs, Brandon @ Kingsbury's

Man's Weekend: Feb 29-Mar 2 pending approval from Adam

RD said...

Aaron, pack your bags.

Seth, pack your bags too. Just in case you realize how important Man's Weekend is to you and how no babies will come that weekend.

I'll make a bold statement: The weekend of Feb. 29 - March 2 no babies will be born. None.

Who's with me?

Andrew said...

I'll go even further and say that it's statistically impossible for a baby to be born Feb 29-Mar 2.

Want proof? I'm glad you asked.

Seth, you teach math, follow me on this one. You've never met anyone born on Feb 29. I've never met anyone born on Feb 29. They don't exist. No one has ever been born on leap day. So that's one day out of the way.

That leaves 2 days for us to deal with. You can do the math (because I don't know how to) 2 days out of 365 possible other days AAAAAAAANNNNNDD factor in the fact that those 2 days are 3, count 'em, 3 weeks before the medically, scientifically, doctor-identified, due date. The chance of Jennifer giving birth is less than O%. Yes, less than 0%.

I'll see you at Man's Weekend. If you aren't there it proves the fact that you are gay.

Jones said...

Men, thank you for the tribute to my profession. Andrew, I am going to ask for the resignation of all the math teachers at Beech High School. Here are just a few people that were born on Feb. 29th:

Ja Rule
Bryce Paup
Anthony Robbins
Sharon Dahlonega Raiford Bush (America’s first African-American weather reporter)

If I am not there I will be heart broken. I will study the statistics further.

Aaron said...

if your kid is born on feb. 29th his middle name should be "Ja".

That way he would be Baby Ja Jones...and kids would think he was stuttering but really he wasn't.

My bags are packed!!!

RD said...

Seth, I think the math speaks for itself.

LESS THAN 0%! I mean come on with numbers like that, how could you go wrong?

Truth be told, we all just really want you there, so do we make up wierd facts about no babies being born and give you statistical impossibilities like less than 0 to try to persuade you to attend.

Our real fear is that come Manlympics time, we'll all be thinking, "I bet Seth could shot put a watermelon much farther than I ever could." Thereby tainting the competitions.

I'll end this comment with a line from the song "What Might Have Been" by a little known band, Little Texas:

"I try not to think about
What might have been
'Cause that was then
And we have taken different roads
We can't go back again
There's no use giving in
And there's no way to know
What might have been"

Let's hope we don't ever have to think about what might have been.