Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Anybody else going to see this?


RD said...

*raises hand emphatically*

JDL said...

I'm undecided. I am afraid it will be a Lost-esque movie. And I don't need that right now.

RD said...

Yeah I'm assuming there will be more questions than answers when the credits roll. And then you see Oceanic Flight 815 roar past the screen over the monster's head with Jack waiving outside the plane.

Also, from what I've read, don't expect to see the monster that much.

RD said...

What are the gamers saying about it? Is it wOOt?

Kevin said...

it is teh w00t!

I'm going Saturday I think. I know it will probably just make me mad like I am at the end of every Lost episode, but...I can't not go.

I'm more worried about the Blair Witch camera job in the movie. I see that they are wanting to make it look more realistic, but monster or not, if I was filming something like that happening, I wouldn't be doing barrel-rolls. I'd be looking for a makeshift tripod or sturdy flat surface.