Sunday, November 18, 2007

Mike Huckabee and Jo Dee Messina

I was cruising Cookeville today in the LeSabre when Heads Carolina Tails California came on, ain't yo daddy still in Des Moines. Immediately, Andrew appeared in my head and I was taken back to the back steps of EDNA as Andrew jammed and I tried to play the djembe. Thank you, Andrew.

Later today I read an article talking about Mike Huckabee's views on abortion:

I was intrigued by Mike's strategic use of Chuck Norris in his first TV ad campaign.

I am anxious to see if the blog gets political next year, we've already had some trouble with emotions on the blog. I'm not sure I could handle it if any of you are Hillary Clinton supporters.


Jones said...

Landon, this makes me think of your wife's dad and his book "The south was right". Wasn't that your father in law? If not, let me know. If so, how does he feel about the states' rights to legislate abortion?

Kevin said...

I like this. I'll have to read up on him.

I like Ron Paul's views on things too, but he sure does want to get rid of a lot of departments, taxes, and not to mention the post office. I'd like to hear his plan on what he's going to do after those are gone.

The sad thing is, neither of these guys will probably do anything except give some other candidate more votes since most of America is only going to vote for a big name they recognize, or they will vote for a party and not a person. Right now it looks like that's going to be either Clinton or Gulianni. I'm thinking about colonizing the moon if anyone else is interested.

JDL said...

Both awesome and sad. Mike will probably get votes because of this. Its good to see pop culture getting more prominence, but I am saddened by Chuck "selling out"

I do realize that Chuck is probably on his way to....yep, here he is. I'm dead.

Jones said...

I like the fact that Ron Paul wants to make social security optional, however I do not like the idea of going back to the gold standard. I dont like the idea of having to keep a coin purse on my belt to hold my gold and silver.

Andrew said...

Ross, if you are able to read this, get well soon, buddy.

Chuck comes on tonight so just hang on....relief is coming.

RD said...

Thanks Andrew. Since I am very weak from being sick and the complete boredom at my job I will try to make one comment concerning all the different threads of conversation going on at once:

1. Nunley we need you like a needle needs a vein, like my uncle Joe in Oklahoma needs the rain, like a lighthouse on the coast, like the Father and the Son need the Holy Ghost. We need you. (I swear I did not steal those lines from a Time McGraw song)

2. Kev, Ron Paul is awesome and the people that support him are mostly crazy but I can get over that. I wish he would win the Republican nomination, just because I think it would be awesome to hear him in a national debate with Hillary. The man is like 95 years old and spits nails. I'm with you about the move to the moon. I think it would be fun.

3. Seth, I understand your concern about having to carry a change purse, but if all guys had to it wouldn't be nearly as wierd as you might think. Also, your ability to cut firewood would make you a rich man since the practice of bartering for goods would greatly increase.

4. JD, I just watched the Karate Kid clip and then watched the end of KK II where they are battling on that island and everyone starts flipping those little noise makers. Totally Awesome.

5. Andrew, the only thing keeping me going right now is that I will see "Chuck" tonight. And if the writers strike doesn't end by the time new "Chuck" episodes run out I will freakin' burn California to the ground. I will burn it all. They'll be wishing for the forest fires to come back.

6. Landon, I feel the blog has passed the "dark times" as I like to call them and can move into politcal debate. I don't think anyone here will honestly be voting for Clinton.