Monday, September 24, 2007

Dog Schmog

Who wants a dog when you can have "A True Bad Ass". This is SFW by the way.


Andrew said...

The pictures are real, but the captions are not correct.

Thanks for feeding us a lie, Kevin.

JDL said...

I feel dirty.

Kevin said...

I know, the mountain lion was dead, but you can imagine right?

Justin, you are dirty. And I meant to tell you that the other day I made a tuna fish sandwich and thought to myself, "Self, you could eat tuna fish everyday for a year and still not have eaten as much delicious tuna as Justin ate from those 99¢ tuna pouches while he lived at Edna's".

Andrew said...

Tuna is nasty.

I hate everything about it.

JDL said...

I needed the protein. I have a few cans in the pantry at home, and I am now tempted to have a Tuna Melt tonight.

Kevin said...

It's such a good fish. When God was putting fish in the water, He probably said, "I'm going to make a huge one that mankind will think is delicious. I'm going to make tons of them and their numbers will be infinite." Thanks God.

JDL said...

I think God was talking about Landon's children. The "...tons of them and their numbers will be infinite" part, not the "one that mankind will think is delicious" part.

That would be gross.