Tuesday, August 14, 2007

The Venus Fly

A little background first. I am currently working nights acting like an OB/Gyn Intern. I deliver babies, manage labor, work OB Triage (which is like the ER for pregnant women), and do whatever else I am told. In OB triage we get a lot of women that come in to check if they are in labor or to see if their water broke. Well the other night I had this lady come in for a labor check and she gave me the greatest line I have heard so far from a patient.

Me - "Are you having any pain?"

Patient - "Yeah, my coochie feels like...
...the venus fly."

Now I really don't know what she meant by that but I found it absolutely hilarious, especially at 3 in the morning. I had to kind of bite my lip as I wrote it down word for word so I wouldn't forget it. So if any of you have heard this phrase from someone please let me know what it means.


JDL said...

Here's my guess, I think you should pick the best one. Medical Balderdash, if you will.

It means she has a "fly" in her vajay-jay. In this case, its a large (probably black) baby in there.

Kevin said...

What would you have done if you looked "down there" to check it out and all of the sudden...
"Feed Me Seymour!"

RD said...

Her statement meant:

There is an actual Venus Fly Trap in her bajingo (medical term).

She accidentally used potting soil instead of a tampon. How you ask could she have confused the two, don't ask me, ask her.

Anyways, the potting soil had all sorts of seeds in it. Come May she'll be sprouting daisies.