Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Prep for Man's Weekend

It is vital with the arrival of a new male, that those already in the house are trained in the way of men.


Kevin said...

Has the new guy tried to beat you up yet to show he means business?

Aaron said...

From the pics it looks like you might be working too much on sholder excercises and not enough biceps. looks like he barely has enough strength to flex his little biceps. surely he can curl some lincoln logs or duplos in his spare time.

RD said...


First of all, your son is a beast, but he is a Vick so that is to be expected.
Second, Malcolm's hair is amazing, he looks like every private school kid in Memphis.
Third, where is John in all this? And don't give me some lame excuse about him not being born at the time. If that's the case I want to see the sonogram of him bench pressing the umbilical cord.


I'm waiting for a post about your guns.

Are shotguns OK to bring (12 guage?), cause I can't have anyone doing a background check on me for a handgun.