Thursday, February 15, 2007

Man's Weekend Grub

I guess that we should start figuring out who is doing meals at the Weekend of the Man. I would like to call dibs on Saturday breakfast so that Andrew and I can continue our upstairs traditions. I think we have also decided not to have a formal lunch on Saturday and I think that is a great idea. It's no fun playing Top Spin on a bloated stomach.


Red said...

Sounds good Aaron. Were you knighted at the last Men's Weekend as the Master of Ceremonies and is there someone coordinating Manlympics? Anyway, I am claiming Friday night with Seth. Seth, bless his heart, cannot view our blog, so I'll let him know that he has been assigned.

Andrew said...

We usually do Friday night on our own, don't we? Hell, I don't remember.

The Nunley said...

Pretty SUre Friday is on our own! There is Saturday Morning, Saturday Evening, and Sunday Morning! 3 to each group. I prefer Saturday or Sunday morning or really Saturday evening if Andrew does Strouds.

JDL said...

I can do either as well. Nunley, let's team up since we are such a dynamic duo.

The Nunley said...

Word Up!!!! JD, WORD UP!!!!!! UNtil Then

Red said...

I am a fool, I'll do Sunday morning. Bagels.