Tuesday, September 20, 2011

it's brandon's birthday...

who cares.


JDL said...

Nice Andrew.

Brandon, Happy Birthday. You'll never see this.

Red said...

Happy Birthday, Brandon, are you 31? Damn.

Kevin said...

Happy birthday Bseph. Hope you're getting some.

Brawny said...

Thanks guys. I know you care. Yes, I am 31 and not getting any. Kinda depressing. No, really depressing.

The Nunley said...

B! Ross will always fear the big B! No matter what age!

Jones said...

Happy Birthday B! Now that you are getting older you need to contact Metro Water Services to inform them you might start losing hair and they should plan accordingly.

I am tired of hearing all the crying about the lack of responses to the happy birthday posts. Go back and check posts for April 18th of any year since this blog has been around.