Seeing as how our proposed date (Mar 11-13) for WOMVII is about 3 weeks away, perhaps we should solidify plans for that.
My only hope is that the dearth in blog traffic and the general malaise in excitement for this year is our individual suppression of emotion that will erupt in a deluge of primeval screams and beastly facial hair leaving all in its wake dumbfounded if not more manly.
First, we need to find out where we are going. Adam--have you been in contact with PawPaw? I know you have a baby and all, but maybe you can use Junior as leverage in getting the old man's permission. I'm sorry that so much depends on you, but it's all we got (for free).
Second, but just as important (although contingent on Adam's answer), is March 11-13 still good for everyone. Seeing as how I am the furthest away (save Aaron), we are going to be in town that week before anyway (they give us a week off for Mardi Gras down here), so it works best for me.
Third, after Adam answers number 1--let's get a roll call of who all is in and then we can plan meals accordingly.
Fourth, I love you.