Saturday, December 5, 2009

Is there a doctor in the house?

Happy Birthday. Always think you look like this guy. Maybe it's the 8 o'clock shadow.


Kevin said...

Happy birthday doc!

JDL said...

Happy Birthday A-ron. You going to be in town over the holidays?

Brawny said...

Happy Birthday Aaron.

Jones said...

Happy Birthday Doc,

Before I forget, can you bring a scalpel to Man's Weekend? I have a strange growth on my earlobe that is starting to look like I have an earring. I thought surgery over man's weekend would be a nice addition.

Andrew said...

10 extra points on the Manylmpics if you can do it without anesthesia.

The Nunley said...

20 extra points to Aaron and Seth if this is done. I would love to see it! Happy Birthday Aaron!

Aaron said...

I like the thought of the First WOM surgery. take a picture of it seth and email it to me. i'll bring some stuff (and numbing medicine if you can't handle the pain) and we will chop that sucker off. the only catch is that you have to wear it as a necklace the rest of the weekend.

Andrew said...

Or we can add it to the Duke and over the years as we get older and start losing organs and other body parts we can hang those from the Duke as well.

I'll see if I can locate my gall bladder. Seth, you got your appendix (or spleen?).

And when one of gets "the surgery," you know the surgery I'm talking about (the one that none of us will ever get--snip,snip)....we can retire the Duke.

JDL said...

I have a few moles I would like removed too. I don't need the drugs though. Just a piece or two of ice.

Andrew said...

Pain don't hurt.