Today, we all die a little inside. Yahoo is shutting down our
first child of the internet. You can read the sad news
here So go read over the comments, listen to your player profile music one last time (which doesn't work on a Mac apparently, unless its already been turned off) and check out B laying some wood. Any time now, it will be deleted.
somebody with the login, move the stuff over to blogger
Aaron has it backed up somewhere, so it is safe for now.
I die a little inside every time I come to this blog.
Is it too early to give this blog a jump start by starting discussion on WOM VI?
Well then contribute something to it. Be a hoosker-do or a hoosker-don't. Or a nipsy-daiser, with or without the skooter stick.
Did anyone check on my date contest before Yahoo took away my only chance? Any recent entries?
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