Monday, February 16, 2009

Guns and the Constitution: A legislator finally gets it

New Hampshire Representative Daniel Itse introduced House Concurrent Resolution 6, under which New Hampshire would secede from the United States if the federal government attempts usurpation of power under five circumstances, including “Further infringements on the right to keep and bear arms including prohibitions of type or quantity of arms...

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Andrew said...

New Hampshire, by far, has the coolest state motto: "Live Free or Die"

I wish Tennessee would change their motto to, "Tennessee: Suck It" I think that would really send a message.

Andrew said...

And to go along with the new state motto, we could introduce a new state gesture: The D-Gen X, pinky, "Byuuuuu, Byuuuuu" move. You know what I'm talking about. Picture Nunley doing it right now.

Come to think of it, a State gesture would be pretty cool. That way you could identify other people from your state. I mean, we have state flags, birds, trees. Why not gestures?

The Nunley said...

great idea! Let us come up with a less offensive gesture.

Andrew said...

OK, how about the Hacksaw Jim Duggan, thumbs up, "Hey-OHHHHH"?

But we still have to keep "suck it" has the motto. I'm not budging on this one.

Kevin said...

How about This

The Nunley said...

was that called the truffle shuffle or chunky shuffle? I love the Hacksaw Jim Duggan

Andrew said...

Truffle Shuffle.