Monday, August 4, 2008

C-c-c-combo Breaker!

If you were to ask me the first celebrity that pops into my head when I look at you guys, I would have to say that this is it.

Ross - Jay Farrar (guy from Sunvolt)

B - Michael Knight (not David Hasselhoff...Michael Knight-Ridin Knight)

Justin - Patrick Warburton

Dr. Gray - Jack Shepherd

Landon (old with braids) - Willie Nelson

Adam - Steven Wright (my favorite comedian)

Andrew - John Rhys-Davies (not always, but definitely this picture)

Seth - Matisyahu
This was a tough one. Justin helped me out with it. Seth, there just isn't anyone else like you I don't think, so we had to make up something. Think about it, you'll get it.

Me - Kimbo
I'm bald, scruffy, and black. I think it works.


Mike - Daniel Plainview

Your thoughts are welcomed, your criticisms dismissed.


JDL said...

You definitely have more chest hair than Kimbo.

Mike is always in the bonus round.


Brawny said...

The resemblances are uncanny. Your photographic skills have given you an enhanced ability to recognize similar physical features, but you were obviously tired when you got to Seth. We are going to have to keep searching. "Kit, run a scan on Seth's face and run it through the database. Make sure all matches have a v-shaped torso and pit sweat."

Kevin said...

B, you get 10 points for that comment alone.

RD said...

I love it.
I laughed out loud at work and one lady just asked me if I was OK.

Andrew said...

Kimbo's chest hair is amazing.

Brandon's comment is amazing and automatically qualifies him for the Duke.

Kevin's post is amazing.

P.S. Brandon, my above comment does not mean you don't have to post/comment anymore.

Justin Johnston said...

B is definitely Tom Selleck (Magnum P.I. era). Kevin is Sting (Message in a Bottle). Seth is Whoopi Goldberg (Sister Act....II). Adam is Robert Goulet (Goulet!). Justin and Ross could easily pass for the Ambiguously Gay Duo (easily). Landon is Usher (My Boo). Andrew....Commander William T. Riker (Star Trek The Next Generation).

Kevin said...

Keep suggestions coming

The Nunley said...

This Brightened my Day. I needed this. Like a Donkey needs a waffle. B your comment was AWESOME! Thank You Kevin and thank you all for your participation in this blog.

UNtil THen

Jones said...

I have not sat down since 7:00 this morning and this post made me feel like a young school girl. I love it. We were talking today in our never ending staff development about the levels of cognitive thought, kev this ranks at the top. The level of synthesis you reached with the post is amazing.

J.J. - Whoopi Goldberg?!?!? What the heck are you talking about? I cut my braids off years ago.

Nunley - I wish you had been there in our staff development listening to a guy they paid 2500.00 to bore us out of our minds. It got so bad that at 5 minutes past our lunch break an assistant football coach stood up and exclaimed "I am starving, it's time for lunch!" That is not a joke, I wanted you to be there Nunley.

JDL said...

for Seth, think Old Testament Jew.

You're cruisin for a bruisin. and I think you like that.

Aaron said...

I give this post 5 Western Dogs!!! One of the best ever Kev.

Kevin said...

Thanks. I was telling Carmen I wanted to go there the other day.

Aaron said...

How long was this in the making? People get their PhD's and do less work than it took to compile these pics.

Aaron said...

i have decided to start my own little blog with my random thoughts, links, vids and hospital stories. i am going to try to have new content every day or two. i guess i will have to blog about andrews baby since his blog seems to not allow him to update it.

link is on the right sidebar at the friends of edna

Andrew said...

Wait. I have a blog?

Justin Johnston said...

Seth: It's all in the eyes...and sexual preference. It actually makes sense when you think about it. Think about it.

Justin: A bruisin'? Does that mean that I can see your shining face? When can we schedule this? I'm completely open (take that how you want).

Justin Johnston said...

And while we're on the subject... are you guys doing a Fantasy Football league this year? I would totally let you include me.

JDL said...

aaron's blog is NSFW, BTW.

MJS said...

These are amazing Kevin- especially Ross, JD, and the good doctor. I'm honored to have graced the "bonus" section and only wish I could grow a mustache like Daniel Plainview to thank you. One alternate suggestion: for Aaron: Nathan Hale from the video game "Resistance" on the PS3 -

Kevin said...

I see where you are going with the Nathan Hale thing. Aaron what was the mocap suit like?

Seth's wife said I could have used James Van Der Beek for his picture. She has a point. But I also think that means she the hots for Van Der Beek. Seth, I would find him and take care of it if I were you.

Jones said...

Kev, thanks for the heads up. I have been wodering whay jennifer makes me refer to myself as "Dawson" during our most romantic moments. I will take care of the situation.

Aaron said...

if you have a blog i need the address and for heavens sake - turn on your RSS feeds please!

Kevin said...

Doc, am I missing the RSS feed link on this blog? Maybe it's the years of Zoloft, and I am seeing it, but just don't care to click it. Or, maybe I see it, but as I go to click it I forget that I saw it. Or maybe I see it and as I go to click it I forget I saw it. Crap.

Aaron said...

Kevin - use those eye drops one more time and look again and see if the RSS feed appears.

Kevin said...

I see it! It's real obvious now.