Monday, July 14, 2008

The Blog Is Dead

So I will now ramble....

Today is moving day. In Memphis. In July. I've already sweat 2 quarts of perspiration.

Spent about 2 hours this weekend going back and reading all the posts/comments here on the Ednablog. It was time well spent.

Laura is 6 months along now. Every time she feels the baby move, I rush over to feel her kicking or punching. Nothing. This kid is already lying to me.

Bought a new TV over the weekend. Sony 46 inch LCD HDTV.

And now a personal message for everyone (vintage Ednablog move):

Aaron- Laura had a placental previa, but it went away so I won't be needing any medical advice.

Adam-See you in a few weeks. I'm a mess without you. I miss your scent.

Brandon- Congrats on your participation in the blog, however you are still not eligible for the Duke until you get your comment/post count way up.

Justin- How's the job hunt? Landscaping? Manscaping?

Landon- Father of 3 yet? Keep us posted.

Kevin-See you in a few weeks too. I have many jobs lined up for you: wireless internet, surround sound (the house is already wired).

Seth- Do your boys have armpit hair yet?

Ross- I'm ashamed this morning over our double forfeit last night.


Andrew said...

I hate all of you.

Red said...

The baby is still inside Kandice, despite all my "efforts" to encourage it out.

JDL said...

don't be so angry. I mean, you can be angry, but just don't take it out on us.

Aaron said...

I am no longer an intern!!! Whoooop!

Congrats on the move Andrew! We hope to get to Memphus soon to see you and Ross and Alexis.

So I think it is time for us to start discussing possible Man's Weekend ideas for this next year. One idea I have for the future was for us all to go to West Virgiia to go white water rafting up there. It would be a bonding experience like no other.

Brawny said...

I don't have that many comments left to be eligible for the Duke. All I needed was 15.

I would like to "Amen" Aaron's comment. I could use some adventure in my life and I want to see Seth jump 20 feet in the air off the back of the raft.

JDL said...

Congrats on your status change. all those years of debt will be paying off soon. way to go friend.

Red said...


I echo the congratulations, great job. As for the white water rafting, sounds good. I may need to increase my term life insurance prior to the trip.

Aaron said...

Here is an outfitter that I went with my dad a few years ago.

And remember the our usual Man's weekend is around 9 months away so please use caution. We don't want anyone to have to miss this year :)

Brawny said...

You're right. I better be careful for the next few weeks.

Kevin said...

I've been advised not to even get on rollercoasters because of my heart problem. I'm not sure a raging river is going to be much better for me.

Andrew said...

What if the river wasn't raging?

Ask your doctor about a mildly agitated river.

Brandon, the fact that you have the minimum number of 15 comments as your goal, tells me that you aren't really ready for the Duke.

Kevin said...

Yeah B, if everybody only did the bare minimum I can guarantee you'd be leaving your comments with charcoal on a cave wall and not with a keyboard on the internet.