Sunday, March 30, 2008

Andrew, you have this to look forward to:

I think it is a tribute to the changing dynamics of the Edna Blog that our ads at the bottom of the page are now for cute baby contests. Andrew, here is a picture of what you have to look forward to if you have a boy. If you have a girl, I have no clue, I am unable to produce anything but boys. This is a picture of Jacob litting me know that I better not get him out of the bath because he can hurt me (he knows I will always be able to kick his butt, but it was a valiant effort).


JDL said...

He has some pretty good form.

He's not ready for the big leagues yet, but he should bust some heads around the sandbox.

Brawny said...

That kid must be eating spinach. His forearms are huge.

Does Jacob shave his chest like too?

Andrew said...

His delts look like they're going to be a problem area.

Aaron said...

Sexual Abuse Center
Specializes in Women's Treatment. Medicare, Insurance or Self Pay

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Sex offender registry. Find out if a sex offender lives near you.

now look what horrible ads we are getting. thanks a lot jones!

Jones said...

How am I the one to blame? How are these ads generated? Do they track what you search for on Google while being logged in? Kevin, can you give insight? Who has been searching for sexual predators in their neighborhood?

Andrew said...

You posted a picture of a naked child in a bathtub. I think you can see the connection.

Jones said...

he had a bathing suit on, you just can not see it.

Jones said...

Also, I seriously doubt that someone goes around to all the blogs and looks at pictures to determine ad placement.

Jones said...

Kevin, what does it? Keywords? Search history? do they put tracking cookies on our machines to see what websites we like to visit?

Kevin said...

dey r in are innerwebz eting r cookys