Wednesday, October 24, 2007

It's a Boy!!!

It is a boy!!! We found out yesterday that Jones # 2 is a boy. Please give name ideas.


Andrew said...

1. Bonesaw
2. Mister (that way his name would be Mister Jones)
3. Indiana
4. Regis
5. Will

Andrew said...

Also, Seth, as a late arrival to the blog, maybe I should inform you of some blogettiquite.

We try to give time for previous posts to be viewed and commented upon.

The only time you are allowed to do what you just did is when you are announcing the sex/birth/pregnancy of any children you may or may not have. So I guess this is a moot (mute) point. I also just made this rule up.


6. Brut
7. Bob Bell Jones

Aaron said...

see i wish that we could keep comments going on more than just the most recent post. i like the change that justin made to keep only the last 5 posts on the front page...that way The Landlord doesn't come on and start cussing without clicking on her. (Seth you won't get that because it is a reference to an old post...but you should go look it up!)

Jones said...

Can we not comment on posts after a new one has started? I am sorry, I am new at this, so be patient. I am trying to think of a way to modify Edna into a boy name.

Andrew said...

Yes, you can comment on old posts, but no one will read them, because, traditionally, once a new post is entered, the old post is ignored.

Don't modify Edna into a boy's name, just roll with it. "This is my son, Edna Jones." It will make him tougher, ala Boy Named Sue.

RD said...

8. Dean (if you are modifying Edna)
9. Methusala
10. Osmosis
11. Santana
12. Boaz
13. Icepick
14. Big Tuna

Aaron said...

Bob Bell Jones is by far my favorite to this point.

15. Rampage
16. Star
17. Aden (Edna spinoff)
18. J.J. Jones
19. Back-Country Jones
20. Austin C.L. Jones
21. Jaguar Jones (you could call him JJ for short)

The Nunley said...

See seth I just posted on the T-Shirt one and no one will read it but it was worth it. I think as far as names go:

22. James Jones
23. Hood Warrior Jones
24. Ned A. Jones (edna spinoff)
Rounding out the top 25
25. Tank Jones (b/c he will be a stud a football)

JDL said...

Squeak Jones

JDL said...

Did I make the change of the 5 posts on the main page? I don't remember doing that, but I'll take credit for it.

Aaron said...

i vote that we all call Seth's new son Squeek. It will forever be his nickname. Speaking of squeek... what is he doing and does anyone know if he has ever read the blog...

Andrew said...

I just commented on Adam's comment on the T-shirt post that no one will ever read.

Aaron said...

I actually read both of your comments because I eventually memorize how many comments each post has and instantly recognize when one has been added. You all can't deny that you know what I am talking about.

Aaron said...

I changed the format of the postings on the main page so it shows few now shows all posts from the last 5 days that posts were posted. Not just necessarily from the last 5 calender days.

Unknown said...

True and Andrew my students get the information they need.

UNtil THen,

Aaron said...

HEAD - can you please change your screen name to head coach or "Son of Peggy McBraysher" or anything other than just's just kind of wierd...

Aaron said...

Andrew and Jones how about a little pic on your profile...just to spice it up a little.

Andrew said...

Adam, I don't doubt your kids get what they need. I just want to see how they get it.

Andrew said...

Profile pic? Done.

Aaron said...

I was hoping for him :)

JDL said...

Since I have the blog up all day, I too am able to tell when the comments come in. Its a gift that Aaron and I have.

MJS said...

1) Phineas
2) Huck
3) Mike

JDL said...

I will follow up "Squeak" with a better one:

That way, his cousins can refer to him as "My cousin Mose"

Kevin said...

1. Leonidas
2. Giveahoot
3. The Lesser (school role will be Jones, The Lesser, but this may give him an inferiority complex so be careful)
4. §
5. Ednasty (like nasty, not dynasty)
6. Hillbilly Jim
7. Little Squirt
8. Doomhammer
9. John Cougar Ho Slappa

Mom said...
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JDL said...

Nice one "Mom"

Nailed it!

Mom said...
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Andrew said...

You do know that is not really a picture of your grandson, don't you?

Aaron said...

Ease up Andrew, you know these computer things are new for people from down in those parts of the mountains down yonder...