Thursday, January 25, 2007

Why I Love the Office

So it's Thursday and I'm only thinking about one thing right now. The Office. I know it's a rerun tonight, but a repeat of this is better than most new shows on TV. I've got some free time on my hands and thought I would dedicate my first post to one of my favorite shows on TV. No, not LOST. This one is not so much a like of mine, but more of an addiction. This is because an addiction is something that you can't stay away from and yet it hurts you. LOST hurts me because it confuses the ever living sh*t out of me and gives me zero resolution, and yet I can not look away. But I digress. Here are some reasons the Office rocks.

1. "That's what she said." - Michael's ability to turn any normal comment into an inappropriate phrase is amazing. People, remember back with me to season two when Todd Packer was in the office and Jim was trying to get Michael to say the phrase. Jim made comments like, "You're making it really hard for me" and "I'll have to go all night". Classic.

2. Pam - Who doesn't love this girl? Not this guy *points both thumbs
at himself*. She is always down with whatever Jim wants to do and is always on his side. Eventually her and Jim will really get together (and that might be pretty soon if anyone's seen the past episodes).
She's the perfect girl to have in the office with you.

3. The acknowledgement of the camera. - I'm not talking about the cut away interviews, which are really funny. I'm talking about when Michael says something completely inappropriate and gives the dumb smile to the camera, or when Jim always gives a look to the camera when he is either nervous or suprised by what Dwight did. Which brings me to...

4. Dwight K. Shrute - Beet farms. Karate. Bobblehead dolls. '87 Trams Am. Enough said? Not even close. His battle with Andy is epic. His love for everything Dunder-Miflin and Michael Scott is compelling. He brings dedication to the workplace like we all should. People assume he's not a ladies man, but tell that to Angela, who Dwight refers to as "monkey".

5. Jim and Pam - Even the most hardened lumberjack who watches the show is rooting for Pam and Jim to get together. Who doesn't want this to happen? I'll admit, for a while I was glad Karen was in the picture, but Pam is just too cool. While I don't like the fact that the show only spends about 2 and half minutes progressing that storyline, I'm still waiting every episode to see what happens. I like how Jim is back doing pranks with Pam. Things are right with the world again. Like I said earlier, they'll get together eventually, but right now it's great watching them being stuck in those awkwards moments that you know both of them are thinking the same thing, but neither will crack. Good times.

6. Prison Mike - Everything that is amazing and terrible about Michael Scott is encompassed in "Prison Mike". I know there will always be something terribly inappropriate coming from Michael every episode. Whether it be him typing "boobs" on his talking computer or acting "just like an Indian" for Kelly or him telling the waitress at Hooters he would like to order the chicken breast sandwich, hold the chicken, you know he's going to do something amazing. The best part is he doesn't know any better. For those of us in corporate America, we all know that one boss that for some reason thinks they can do or say anything they want. Everyone has a Michael Scott in their lives.

7. The Activites - Dunder Miflin is a place where everyone works and yet never really does anything. Now I know the show couldn't show them doing paperwork and filing and making phone calls, but some of the things that take place on the show take up entire days. The Olympic games must have taken the whole eight hour work day. Now was it worth it to have paper doves fly across the podiums at closing ceremonies? Absolutely. Is there ever any real chance of this happening in real life, probably not. But still you have to love the Christmas party with an open bar, Oscar's (or Dwight's) welcome back party with banner, music, and food, and Pretzel day that takes hours to wait in line. I wish we could all work there.

8. Jim "Big Tuna" Halpert - The everyman we all want to be friends with. I know people like Ryan, Dwight, and Andy don't like the guy, but that's just out of jealousy. Nothing more. Pam, Karen, Kelly, and probably Phyllis all want a bite of the tuna. He always tells is straight, like when he tells Karen he still likes Pam or how about when he lays it all on the line with Pam, TWICE, during Casino Night. One word for that, ballsy. He hates his job, but would be really bored with any other co-workers. His pranks on Dwight (and now Andy) are things that would never happen in the real world, but are real enough that people see them and think, "I might be able to get away with that at my work." How about when he put Dwight's office in the bathroom. That was one of the best ones.
OK so that's what I got. What can I say, I've got some time on my hands today. Add some thoughts about the show to the comments.
Maybe I've talked about this show with too much feeling and some of you are saying, "Ross, you are taking this way too seriously, it's just a TV show." Well I've got one thing to say to that, "Maybe I'm not taking it serious enough.


Aaron said...

Mamoth debut Ross! I am getting quickly addicted to it as well. I Netflixed (yes, I did just use that as a verb) season 1 and I currently have season 2 disc 1 in my possesion. Jenny and I are traveling to Colubmia, Mo and Kansas City this weekend to visit a couple residency programs for the second time and I am hoping, errrr I will make time to watch the disc. I have not seen all the episodes this year but I did see most of them. Christmas special was LOL hilarious multiple times. I would rant more but I have to go because Jenny and I are getting ready to head out of town.

RD - Let's get together next week and do something like old times.

ALL - I am beginning to plan my calender around the OVC 'ship in Nashville. I hope that you are subconciously making the same plans. I will be there and hope to make a weekend out of it.

Kevin said...

wtf?! Rosstard FTW!

JDL said...

I couldn't agree with #1 more. That's my all-time favorite part of the show. When Dwight used it 2 weeks ago when he was getting the sweatdown from Michael (Scott, not Scarn) it couldn't have been funnier.

I am also a Pam fan, never liked Karen. Pam is actually quite hot, she is pretty plain while at the office.

I love your post, with all of my body. (yes, including my pee-pee)

RD said...


I tried to look up your computer slang, but couldn't find "FTW". I don't know whether to take that as an insult or compliment. Please verify so I know how to respond.

Kevin said...

FTW! is just an elitist way of saying, "for the win!"

The Nunley said...

Ross, Did you really write that? If you answered yes then that is just splended and I think you might have a career in writing of some sort. I need to watch this show and you my friend have inspired me even more than ever before.

Andrew said...

Good thing Macs are better than PCs and you don't have any trouble doing simple things like posting on a blog.

JDL said...

In your face Steve Jobs!