Saturday, January 27, 2007

Follow the clues...

Calling all Loonies...March 2-3rd - Tailgate party with Western Dogs at the GEC for TTU's first trip to the NCAA tourny in generations!!! Will you be there???


Kevin said...

loonies and their wives...or just loonies?

Aaron said...

my loonie is planning on coming...and she will be wearing her yellow loonie classic shirt...yes the one with lebo on the front!

Aaron said...

who will bring the Purple ketchup??

JDL said...

my loonie shirt has a tear on Jeff's forehead, and a similar tear on the back as well. Does anyone remember me getting run through with a sword? Did Thomas's pungent armpits cause the farbic to give up?

The weekend looks good to me. Katie and I went last year, so she has more TTU Pride than some of your wives. I hope that didn't sting too bad.