Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Landon Posts a Video!

This guy reminds me so much of Nunley. I recommend watching their video shorts on YouTube. I have found it entertaining.


Saturday, August 15, 2009

This Saturday...

Just wanted to check and see who all is still in for Evie Jane's baptism on Saturday. It will be at Covenant Presbyterian Church at 10:30 a.m. BBQ afterwards at my parents' house in Hendersonville.

Church address: 33 Burton Hills Blvd, Nashville
Parents' address: 186 Meadow Lake Drive, Hendersonville

I can send you specific directions if you need them. Otherwise, Google maps should do the trick.

Again, as I solidify food plans, could you let me know if you're coming and the number of people coming with you.

Looking forward to see everyone.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Do you agree with this guy?

He's got some pretty interesting stuff on his site. Granted, he's a little bit of a sensationalist, but with a grain of salt I think I agree with some of his stuff. This is just a video he posted today. His website is http://www.larouchepac.com/.

Video Here

Sunday, August 9, 2009